Tuesday, April 13, 2010

NaPoWriMo # 13 - Poem Starting with a Line from Norman Dubie

Poem Starting with a Line from Norman Dubie
--- with a nod to the wind ---

"The pearl slapdash of the moon is on the water"

The brutal wind assumes
its superiority to all poets and other vapors,
These unlucky clusters of cloud gossip, but
wind knows all the ways to break them apart:
how to seem sincere and comforting,
blow softly out of the west with just the right
warm lies told with a charming smile and
such concern, skitter about, uncover
what needs to be hinted at - as if the gods
had only half told it, barely whispered our unlit secrets.
This wind knows how it feels to win, and that is
the only moon it knows, very high
and so cold.
- Mar Walker

THE PROMPT: (FROM READ WRITE POEM) For this prompt, take a Norman Dubie line to jumpstart a poem of your own. Your poem should be titled “Poem Starting with a Line from Norman Dubie.”  (A dozen of his lines were offered as possibilities)

1 comment:

Erobintica said...

I love "poets and other vapors" !!!!