Showing posts with label Chromebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chromebook. Show all posts

Monday, March 5, 2012

First Layer: Chromebook as canvas

This is the first layer of a new painting I've started -  just a doodle so far really, and it's just black and white, though that will change. The canvas is the white cover on my Chromebook. Okay I am nuts. I was admiring some of the laptop covers I saw which are sold on various sites around the web. They seemed too pricey though - I thought it would be easier and cheaper just to paint the thing itself. Call me crazy, (or reclusive, awkwardly antisocial in many cases. )

I used an inexpensive acrylic paint in a squeeze bottle. I only have black  right now, so when I get more colors I will add new layers and post a photo of each as I go along.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Made with web-based browser programs

This new abstract was made completely with web-based browser loading programs on a Chromebook with a Chrome operating system/Chrome browser. These programs are web/browser-based and completely free.  If you have raged that illustrator or painter cost so much. Give them a try. DeviantArt Muro,  Pixlr and Picnik and others.