Sunday, March 30, 2008

Danbury Women’s Center Poetry Reading -Tea, Poetry, a little sketch

I heard FIVE poets read today along with a friend. At the Danbury Women's Center's Tea and Poetry event, I heard Doris Henderson, Rebecca Dobson, and Lynn Deming read their work. At the Hudson Valley Writers Center I heard Stephanie Lenox and Denise Duhamel. I think I have poem overdose.... At the last reading I make sketches of the two poets. Got a nice sketch of Denise Duhamel. If I can get it scanned I will post it. Tea could be imbibed at both events.

Poetry works well with a cup of tea, a comfy chair. Tea and quiet can brew peace, imaginings, a drawing, reflections in the glass. This is charcoal, gesso, pencil and water color pencil and it was made decades ago in the late 1980's in the house where I grew up. In fact in the room, that was my room before it became a den.