Thursday, October 29, 2009

Bent Pin: Christina Hoag, Jim Harrington - murder & mayhem!

OLD POST about my dead ezine:

I've put a new page up on my E-zine Bent Pin, called "death's messengers" Both works on the page highlight damaged human beings caught in undertow of  their own narratives.  The Target by Jim Harrington is a short fiction on the death-for-hire theme.  The other is an experiment by a news writer from AP. about "your average run-of-the-mill drug murder in Los Angeles." The work is called LA Doggs by Christina Hoag. The style is something she calls "Minific" which she says is short for Minimalist fiction. She defines that as a story told in words - nouns and verbs, as opposed to sentences.
   Read their work on Bent Pin
The photo in the background (above) --  I took that in a drug store. It's an inexpensive Halloween decoration.  With a little cropping and digital tweaking it looks pretty spooky. I have another more editorial picture  featuring the same item hanging in front of boxes of junk food....

-- MM Walker

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