Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Short Poem on Aging: Surprise

Can't understand how I grew so grey.

It crept up over 10 years or more.

Inside I feel like I'm 22,

except when I feel like I'm 94.


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

A Few Headlines from July 17 2018


Saturday, July 14, 2018

Consider this:

Things you don't want to hear but should really consider
about yesterdays indictments of 12 GRU officers - that is 12 Russian Military Intellegence Officers:

Far from being a witch hunt - this is a digital spy hunt to defend our country - with huge consequences. I know many folk who don't want to know because it's just too distressing.

The problem with sticking your head in the sand is that, besides targeting every election going forward from here, these Russian Military digital warriors are after more than politics. THEY HAVE SKILLS AND MALWARE THAT CAN BRING OUR INFRASTRUCTURE DOWN some of it already implanted in our systems. Imagine things embedded in power plant software, hospital software, our antiquated patchwork electrical grid, train and airport control software.

Think of all the huge systems for government and industry where physical processes are controlled digitally. The time to defend us is now. But our POTUS is still calling it a witch hunt and rigged. Our congress is hellbent for leather trying to cut everything and cover up what has been done, talking endlessly about Hillary's emails and Obama - like they secretly rule the present world. The House Congressional Oversight hearings the other day were a disgrace. I watched them and I don't need a reporter to tell me what happened. They are looking to the past, grandstanding instead of defending us now.

The time to defend us IS now. Our POTUS says why was nothing done about this at the time - well something was done - a counter-intelligence investigation was opened by the FBI - and that same POTUS fired the man in charge of it at that time - FBI director James Comey. And this week POTUS will meet, alone, without expert preparation, without transcripts, without video, without witness - with the man who commands the GRU - Vladimir Putin. AND THE ONLY RECORD WE WILL HAVE OF WHAT GETS SAID - IS WHAT PUTIN CHOOSES TO RELEASE TO THE RUSSIAN STATE-CONTROLLED MEDIA . Sad indeed.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Cumulative power of tiny specks....

Landscape at Saint-Charles, near Gisors, Sunset  by Camille Pissarro

We always doubt the power of the small, the contained. We doubt our single, individual lives, wonder if we can matter at all.

The power of a bit of dust lies in juxtaposition with other unnoticed specks. It's in the whole where a speck has its best effect. One star in a sky of stars. One life in a history of lives.

  This is my favorite picture from the current Clark Art Institute exhibition. It's called Landscape at Saint-Charles, near Gisors, Sunset  by Camille Pissarro, 1830-1903. The application of color is in spots and specks. The effect is cumulative and it almost glows on the canvas.  

Specks, little dots or points of paint are featured in a technique called pointillism pioneered by Charles Seurat. In this picture the museum notes, Pissarro was experimenting with that technique.  We could experiment too, try to see ourselves in the context of our country, our continent, our planet, our solar system, universe, multiverse.  As we zoom out, our speck-ness seems more and more natural, comfortable. We are in places as it were. Right here. Right now.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Two from The Clark, Degas

The Clark had a free admission day on Easter. I took photos of my favorites. I'll start with two juxtaposed works, Little Dancer, Aged Fourteen, and Portrait of a Man both by Edgar Degas.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Peace for the New Year: Hope over Fear.

Well it's 2018. How did that happen.... And the world needs peace more than ever. And it seems less likely then ever.  We can try to put hope over fear, and move forward, one small step at a time. It's all we can do - one moment at a time....  We can mind our own yard at least. See what near-at-hand  nature might need, what cheer we can bring the people around us. Maybe we cannot change the whole world. But we can change our own world. Make it so.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Curious encounters with nature

This is an old smudgy pencil sketch of mine. Not sure an actual horse would react as calmly to the half-man half-butterfly thingie in its meadow - which probably, being self-aware of its halves is having doubts of its own. Once the wings were moving I think there would be a hasty, slightly hysterical horse retreat....

I'm kind of low energy these days as you can see by this kind of sad poem.


A tickle really, a night breeze passes, barely touching
In darkness I orbit the neighborhood's circle,
pass the same facades repeatedly.
Anchored by the hum of the highway,
maybe a celestial dipper or two rising
or a flock of little porch lights 
where a few someones live, 
I appreciate their seeming elemental persistence.
Even now I point a bobbling flashlight to ward away shadows, 
though I have nothing to say to shadows these days.
No one minds my silence.

I originally put his up at and added it here also...