Wednesday, November 6, 2024

The Hiding Habit

originally posted May 1, 2024. Seems worth another go....


When the world shouts obscenities
and the winds of change roar in the trees,
move low to the ground to the hiding place.

When fear is strong, pay attention.
Sit in stillness, in silence and listen.
Wait. Think. You don't have to move yet.

Breathe in. Breathe out.
Purr to comfort yourself.
If you must move, be stealthy,
silent in the shadows, then return to safety.

When quiet evening finally comes - emerge. 
Look around. Sniff the air. Stretch. 
Give a wide yawn. Blink. You are still here! 
Pay attention!

- Mad Mar Mistryel Walker

When this photo was taken, the windows were wide open and there was a crew of roofers working on the block  After a while I noticed my three cats were missing. I hunted under and behind everything until I found them. They were  lined up in a straight row in the narrows behind a dresser, hiding from all the noise. 

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