Tuesday, January 5, 2021

poem: Goodbye 45

Lives ruined.
Experts & careers crushed.
Half a million dead.

Mothers and daughters,
Wives,  grabbed or mocked, 
Advisors fired, sycophants abandoned.

Suddenly they all appear
for an audience with you 
to address their grievances.

In this dream they offer 
a last meal on a golden platter,
your favorite greasy burger

dripping with banality. 
For special sauce: 
your disinterested casual cruelty. 

Unclasp your hands and surrender
your unfathomable arrogance  - 
if only you could.

You lack some essential organ,
know nothing of guilt,
will find no redemption.

This is my first poem of 2021. I posted a first draft over on April30Poems.blogspot.com where there was a very inspiring prompt yesterday by Tad Richards! Nice to know I can still get in the flow and make poem. Nice to know 45 is outgoing but he will cause more trouble, more heartache and political upheaval. May our country outlive him.