Sunday, July 19, 2020

Bad Advice

Prez 45 seems to specialize in giving bad advice and acting on bad advice he has received. Or maybe falling in line with bad advice is a prerequisite toward getting his prized Moscow Trump Tower. Or maybe there are bounties on our lives, who knows....

People should have a certain freedom, he says, and not have to wear a mask during a pandemic with tens of thousands dead. How about, freedom not to wear a hairnet when fluffy folk are bending over the fryer at your favorite restaurant, Donnie? Have a few hairs with your fries. They should be free right?

Or free from seat-belts or car insurance or the need to get a drivers license, pilots license, etc etc. Let people be free to decide to shoot each other. Isn't that what some gun owners think the second amendment is really about in this modern era?

 I think 45 is losing the sparse marble collection he once had. Lucky for us  the grifter and bigoted lawyer Roy Cohn ia no longer alive to be his mentor. You know the guy that flamed McCarthyism into a debacle. Yes he was 45's mentor when he was just a creepy wannabe slumlord. Of course might still have the anarchist Steve Burn-it-all-down Bannon through his puppet Steven Miller or quasi-Nazi Seb Gorka.  I have nothing else today. I might be in a bad mood.