Wednesday, April 13, 2016

April 2016 Poem A Day #9 Hiding Out For A While

Hiding Out For A While

Home is where you are safe
where you can be alone
without despair
Where you know
which windows will let in the sun
what cabinet holds the tea
Home where the familiar hides
you from change
at least for now

Saturday, April 9, 2016

April 2016 Poem A Day #8 Scribbling


A curvy thingy here
a figure eight there
a thin line a thick line
some wavy stuff crossing a page
little dots underneath
dots and xs
switch pens
 another envelope
the cover of a magazine
next to the comics in the daily paper
make transparent boxes 3D
climb out of them
with flowers
with shooting stars

April 2016 Poem A Day #7 Urban Whatever

Part time Urban

I like the idea of cities,
walkup neighborhoods, museums, coffee shops
the mix of culture and habit
I need busy and humming sometimes
bumping up against the world
in a subway or a pub
More often though I like quiet
equilibrium, siting in a swing
on a porch listening to rain fall
I like the bright lights,
then I like going home
walking in the quiet dark

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

April 2016 Poem A Day #6 - Painting a LIfe Unfinished

Painting a life
Unfinished for decades,
a women in jeans sits in a chair
naturally with a black cat on the sill nearby.
Behind her through big windows are
the city and the sea, with a path to each.
On her right a guitar in a stand,
on her left a table full of writings.
She sits in the chair
faceless, eyes cast down
uncertain, even as the painter is not certain
how this will play out, what happens next.

                           --Mar (Mistryel) Walker

The prompt today is to write a poem from a work of art  The work choose is one of my own.

"For today’s prompt, write an ekphrastic poem. An ekphrastic poem is a poem inspired by art. You can pick your own favorite piece of art if you wish. Or you can use one of the examples [provided in Robert Lee Brewer's original post.]"

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

April 2016 Poem A Day #5 - The Novice Orphan

The Novice Orphan

I'd lost at love
at money
I'd lost at friendship
and achievement of all sorts
I'd lost bets,
keys, cups of coffee
by the dozens
Lost my place in books
lost my way in travels
lost my breath while running.
But when it came to
losing you Mom
last of my parents
I had nothing to go by,
When we lost Dad
it was you and I
WE lost him.
And now I have
lost you as well.
No sisters. No brothers
to share it with.
No preconceptions
No idea what to expect.
no experience
no armor.

                    ------ Mar (Mistryel) Walker

April 2016 Poem A Day #4 - Distance


Everything is blurry
and far away now.
Things recede daily
as I run towards them.
The universe expands
faster and faster yet
my world seems to
contract like a spasm
or a fist raised
against grief.

                      -- Mar (Mistryel) Walker

April 2016 Poem A Day #3 - Three minutes

Three Minutes to Midnight

Water's rising, clock ticking
while we fight about everything.
Consider sneaker brands
change TV channels.
Meanwhile nature plots against us
Zika nature's way
of giving us the diminished
capacity we already
act like we have.
                           -- Mar (Mistryel) Walker