Saturday, October 11, 2014

Artist DeeDee Calvey at Cornwall Bridge Gallery

Artist Dee Dee Ball Calvey is having her first solo show at the Cornwall Bridge Gallery. There's a lot variety & color, arranged with that painterly feeling of touched-ness.

Here's the artist herself posing between two of her works. Musician Bo Missinne jumped into the shot - yes the reception was fun!

At the opening there was music also the duo Good Medicine Rx, (Michel Rae Driscoll and Jeff Duggan)  played and made a bit of toe tapping harmony. Dee Dee did some flute work with and with out Jeff. Got drafted myself willingly  did one song, "Shalain" (Thanks for asking!)

Wasn't sure until the last minute I would be able to attend (last minute computer support for a relative and who knows how long that might have taken) but I am so glad I made the drive. I wasn't so green of me I guess, but I really enjoyed it.