Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Department of delayed reactions: fear and its uses

Looking Back: All my life I have had a most unfortunate coping mechanism. When I am overwhelmed and don't know what to say - I freeze, stare straight ahead with a blank look, utterly inarticulate. Like the white tailed deer, I usually have a narrow escape and leave some angry driver zig-zagging down a dark road.

The first time I noticed this effect was in economics class in eleventh grade. (This was in the late 1960's; let's say the dark ages or there abouts....) A teenager who sat across the isle from me, and who I joked with every day, asked me to the junior prom. He had slicked-back hair and pointy black shoes - trademarks of a greaser or "hood" in those days. When I heard his invitation in that husky masculine whisper, I was terrified to the core. The idea stirred all my teenage hormones into a frenzy. But I froze, stared straight ahead, made no reply at all - as if I hadn't heard him, as if he wasn't there. In my demented teenage brain - I knew instantly if we went out, things would happen, things like sex in the back of his car and all the life-altering consequences that might follow. In a second it all unfolded in my mind. My throat closed. My eyes glazed over. He never spoke to me again. The prom went on without me.

New-age shrinks have a field day with this sort of thing. Strategies for overcoming fear are legion. But deer freeze for a reason. Deer who are still escape the hunter's gaze. As it turns out, this young man was a Moltov cocktail-brewing future felon who died in jail at a very early age. Despite the popularity of "conquering fear" and "living in the moment," it's worth considering that fear can be nature's useful warning. It can save your life.
---- Mar Walker

Thursday, January 31, 2008

my sad eyes - a drawing from the old blog

A wisp of hair, a slant of lid
a memory our Agnus hid.

Somedays bleak is the thing - grey sky, a chill cast to the air. No snow, no wind, just the blahs. Not today though. This entry, (though not this picture) , was originally made on 2/28/07, on the old gallery blog.
"This is a digital drawing done with a drawing tablet. It was on the splash page to my website back in the days when it was on Prodigy's servers. having a difficult week. more later."


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Confession: I'm a low budget economic news junkie

"Are you really listening to that?" Maisy always asks when she comes into the room and I have CNBC on the tube. Usually I don't appear to be watching - but I am listening while I write or work at whatever home-bound efforts I am making. "They don't know what they are talking about" she says "who knows if any of them are right."

She has a point, but I am not a trader of any sort. It's the drama I love, the "now," the minute to minute throb of announcements. The fed, the traders reactions, the analysts statements the retorts and rebuttals. It's the struggles and trends of businesses and industries that employ people all over the globe.

There's crime and fraud, greed and indignation, buearocratic remedies and legal strictures, wisdom and foolishness, new products and expensive flops, hysteria and prudence. It's like a soap-opera only it involves real events, people and the future of business and technology around the world, as they are engaged in trying to make a living. It's like a reality TV except the scope is far greater then any of the individual players.

There's no doubt about it. I'm hooked even tough I'm not a player.

Friday, January 25, 2008

New Milford street reflections

I have a minor obsession with reflected and hidden images. This classic New England street, from New Milford CT is an example. It was posted on my gallery blog, which I am merging with this one. For most posts, I am using the same date as it was posted on that blog. This entry had just one line, so i thought I'd add to the text and post it with today's date.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Virtual Biopsy - Doctor McCoy move over!

Found this wild note in Science Daily. Read more by clicking on the head line up there.
Sounds like Doc McCoy on Star Trek!

ScienceDaily (2008-01-19) -- A non-invasive diagnostic tool to detect surface cancers quickly and painlessly using technology currently employed by gyms to calculate body composition has been developed by a medical physics researcher. The new diagnostic technique uses bioimpedance spectroscopy to diagnose cervical and skin cancers.

Power & risk of focus

Let's say you have a couple of million gallons of water on the move...

The stuff could be spread out over acres and acres in a shallow flood. It could bleed off in to a network of irrigation ditches to feed the needs of others, or detour in to four or five isolated rivulets, each on its own path. Or it could drain furiously down one channel that gets deeper and cleaner as the flow progresses picking up momentum on its way to the ocean at the end of everything.

Lately my life feels a lot like the first option. I have been a wide stream on a gentle incline - acres and acres wide - covering a lot of ground very slowly, without particular direction. I have washed a lot of silt along with a lot of trash, all going nowhere in particular, going nowhere in leisurely cluttered way without momentum of any kind.

Yesterday I got out my shovel and started digging a more focused path for this flow of life force. As I was digging there were shovels of stuff I threw over my shoulder onto the banks. There were at least three people who only call when they need something, a few activities like shallow ditches heading off in the wrong direction that needed to be filled in, and a couple of financial drains I plugged up with a shovelful of determination and a firm NO! It was work, but it's a start. Well see how it works out, and if I can resist the big sucking effect when things that are sinking, or just flowing off in the wrong direction, try to pull you back...

-- Mar Walker

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Moving Metaphoratorium files to this blog

I am gradually moving my old files from the Metaphoratorium to this blog. Since they have been posted for a while, I am posting them with older dates so they are in this blog but not at the top. So, if it seems like you have missed a few posts - that's why.

I wish there were a way to merge blogs. I'd merge this with my Metaphoratorium Gallery.