Thursday, August 18, 2016

Curious encounters with nature

This is an old smudgy pencil sketch of mine. Not sure an actual horse would react as calmly to the half-man half-butterfly thingie in its meadow - which probably, being self-aware of its halves is having doubts of its own. Once the wings were moving I think there would be a hasty, slightly hysterical horse retreat....

I'm kind of low energy these days as you can see by this kind of sad poem.


A tickle really, a night breeze passes, barely touching
In darkness I orbit the neighborhood's circle,
pass the same facades repeatedly.
Anchored by the hum of the highway,
maybe a celestial dipper or two rising
or a flock of little porch lights 
where a few someones live, 
I appreciate their seeming elemental persistence.
Even now I point a bobbling flashlight to ward away shadows, 
though I have nothing to say to shadows these days.
No one minds my silence.

I originally put his up at and added it here also...

Friday, July 1, 2016

Hug them close whoever they are....

This is oil pastel on card stock. It's rather old. It's also cut out and ready to collage into something else. I do like it all by itself as well.

Had a scare today. Something about a large pickup blocking the view of a crosswalk. Not using that location again, neither for walking or driving.....  Things could have gone differently. Tragically. So glad the outcome was the status quo. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Angry Surprise.....

Didn't make this ink drawing for BREXIT but my oh my, we have seen some similar expressions in the news on Brits expressing their dismay!!!!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Tail of two cats.....

Just can't seem to be content without a cat. Right now I have two for the first time in years. Both are antique - one 15 years old, and one 16 years old. Both are fairly spry considering.

I'm waiting until they know each other better & hoping for a photo of them together which is not possible as yet. So instead here is a stylized pencil kitty I recently tweeted:

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Can't get there from here....

This is what the future looks like to me. Too early to say if that is good or bad.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Poem A Week 3 - Waking up fast

Waking up fast

I don't remember how I got there
or why I was flying a plane over a road
a big plane, an airliner kind of plane
and I was just noticing how low to the ground we were
Noticing the telephone polls below, cars busy on the road,
treetops brushing the plane's belly, a hillside in the distance.
I was thinking why is the plane flying so low,
moving so blindingly fast, and why am I the pilot?
And someone was screaming at me
Pull up Mar Pull up now!!! as the ground got closer.
I woke up right then shaking. Not sure why I was flying
or where I was going, or who left me in charge, or
if I had changed course or crashed in the ether of the dream.
But it was time to get up time to get up out of bed
and into the new day. So I did.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Poem A Week No. 2 - Unexpected Attic Access

Unexpected Attic Access

"I need to get into the attic"
the AC tech said matter of factly
"Not sure you can get there from here"
I said. As he darted out to his truck
I opened the hall closet
empty but for its pile of boxes,
Pushed up on the hat shelf,
found it folded back easily.
Pushed up on the cloths pole,
found that popped right out of its caps.
as I slide box after box out and into the hall
here comes Mr tech with his folding ladder
He props, climbs, pushes up the lid
and disappears. "Nice Space up here" he says
from out of sight, and a sudden light
shines through the square opening.
I have to see, I climb up the ladder, look around
suddenly I;m sitting on the edge of the unfamiliar
it's totally clean and empty, but for fiberglass bats
I make mental notes, location of the light switch
Kinda odd how you can live for years unaware
under this unknown, unimagined spaciousness...