This is an old smudgy pencil sketch of mine. Not sure an actual horse would react as calmly to the half-man half-butterfly thingie in its meadow - which probably, being self-aware of its halves is having doubts of its own. Once the wings were moving I think there would be a hasty, slightly hysterical horse retreat....
I'm kind of low energy these days as you can see by this kind of sad poem.
A tickle really, a night breeze passes, barely touching
In darkness I orbit the neighborhood's circle,
pass the same facades repeatedly.
Anchored by the hum of the highway,
maybe a celestial dipper or two rising
or a flock of little porch lights
where a few someones live,
I appreciate their seeming elemental persistence.
Even now I point a bobbling flashlight to ward away shadows,
though I have nothing to say to shadows these days.
No one minds my silence.
I originally put his up at and added it here also...