Friday, May 22, 2009

Ralph Nazareth at Wed poetry, Chris Flowers & Francis Raven in Bent Pin

Last weeks Bent Pin page included video interviews with Ralph Nazareth who read at Wednesday Night Poetry Series two days ago. He is incredible both in his poetry and in his philosophy. A large contingent of outstanding folks from his home team at Curley's Diner in Stamford came to see him and to read in our open mic! Ralph is the founder of the weekly reading at Curley's which is on Tuesday Nights. All in all the past Wednesday had a great open mic, a fabulous feature and a really enlightening Q&A.

Note: a couple weeks later I interviewed Ralph for Bent Pin. Here is one of the videos of his ideas on Poetry.

ALSO This week a new page is up on Bent Pin.   The new  page is called capitalist method and it features a poem by Christopher Flowers and one by Francis Raven, both somewhat surreal and referencing the multi-faceted maladaptive corporate hold on our lives...

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

April 29 Poem - Never Bathe a Cat

Prompt - "Never ___"

Never bathe a cat

clumps of clingy hair
mingle with your blood
a wet trail leads through dangling Chenille
to the underworld under the bed
where dust kitties stick to the wet kitty
where green eyes glower and the hissing continues...

-- Mistryel Walker

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

April 28 write a Sestina. Have not done this yet

I have not written in form. It is my ambition to eventually get back in here and write this one. its the only one i missed.

Monday, April 27, 2009

April 27 Poem - the long day

the long day

the fridge quit
a doe ate the only tulip
old red pickup bled a pool of oil
The raisin rice pudding ensnared an ant
and no one noticed.

-- Mistryel Walker

Sunday, April 26, 2009

April 26 Poem - The Hereditary Trick Ear

write a poem on miscommunication:

The Hereditary Trick Ear

5:45 p.m. Me: What shall we have for dinner? Shall I make up some pasta?
5:57 You: Dear I am going to boil some eggs? Do you want an egg salad sandwich?

7:43 p,m. Me: I don't want to go out in this snow
7:45 p.m. You: I think there might be ice, maybe you shouldn't go tonight....

10:01 p.m. You: I am going to take my pills and go to bed.
!0:27 p.m. Me: Hey Ma - where are you?

-- Mistryel Walker

Saturday, April 25, 2009

April 25 Poem - The Funeral

write a poem with an event for a title:
The Organist's Funeral

A visiting chorus he didn't like the sound of
sang works he wasn't fond of, and an organist
he didn't approve of accompanied.

His ashes were buried permanently in a town
couldn't wait to get out of...

-- Mistryel Walker