Thursday, April 9, 2009

Poem-A-Day Writer's Digest Challenge

AWK - I am behind **** a note -- I did actually finish the poems are all posted on Facebook.***
- here are my first four days of the Poem a Day writer;s digest challenge (they supply a writing prompt - you supply a poem )

April 1 poem
the prompt was "origins"


Out of the muck we come
over-adrenalized and peevish
Muscled, toothed, furious to survive

Out of night, into the cave,
firelight dancing, igniting imaginings
of more-than-muck, and we

Out of our minds, with fire-born charcoal,
into the cavern carve a vast sprawling hunt
that we have made: gazelle, mammoth, man

men, together, ready for more than muck.


April 2 poem
the prompt was "outsiders"

Outsiders now,

They float feather light,
walk the teetering shuffle in slippers
except when they are falling and landing hard
on heads or breaking hips or clavicles on the tile
They peer out of their years of forgetting,
furrowed, pale, a little grey, waiting
out the silence of full lives or empty lives.
Hovering near phone,
imagining a knock at the door
falling asleep in the chair


April 3 poem
the prompt was "the problem with..._________"

Canine Compromise

The problem with dogs is underemployment.
Eons of DNA for running the tireless patrol,
cooperative hunting for fun and profit,
the upper-handed snarl, or deep-den digging
dirt-flying intensity or gnawing elk femurs,
or marking or sniffing out the latest odorous map.

All this reduced to a 20-minute walk, and a half-
hour yard run, two antique humans, one with
no sense of humor, a chair under the window, and
a horrid selfish cat who bits dog toes, ears, lips
anything to secure the sun-spot on the rug.
Ah well, waiting for the mailman will have to do

April 4 Poem
the prompt was to pick and animal....

oh please, a little armor

Armadillo of my envy
waddles on with leathery grace
and when alarmed, curls to himself
in fetal retreat. Turtle, my other idol
moves at a such slow deliberate pace
and when the world is too engaging
withdraws his head and hides his face.

A very good night at Wednesday poetry

Lisa Starr was the Wednesday Night Poetry feature last night. Her even presence, her honesty and words made for a very good evening. The open myk was also quite good - and to combat the grey of the not yet blooming world Louise K. read a bunch of one liners. Like Red Skelton she enjoyed her own jokes so much she could barely stop laughing to read them - and we were laughing to....  

I have video of Lisa, and also more or Robert Riche and Mother Tongue which I will be posting on

A very good night at Wed Poetry

Lisa Starr was the Wednesday Night Poetry feature last night. Her even presence, her honesty and words made for a very good evening. The open myk was also quite good - and to combat the grey of the not yet blooming world Louise K. read a bunch of one liners. Like Red Skelton she enjoyed her own jokes so much she could barely stop laughing to read them - and we were laughing too...
I have video of Lisa, and also more or Robert Riche and Mother Tongue which I will be posting on

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

April 8 Poem - The Bad Marriage

write a poem on routine

The bad marriage

tick tick, argue, slam
tick, tick, argue, scram
tick tick, slam, scram
argue, tick, tick, argue
tick, tick, argue, scram
home again, argue slam

-- Mistryel Walker

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

April 7 Poem The studio

Prompt - write a poem for something clean or dirty  - edited 12/2010

The Studio

Unpretentious and clean, the door stands open
to a room of possibility:
.....jumbles of crayon, paint tubes, varnish, stain and taint
.....shards of ceramic, spears of mirror, postcards once quaint
.....and piles of torn paper, shreds of paint peeled from a tray
.....(smooth, yet stretchy), bottle caps with a certain stain
.....of rust, dollhouse chairs, a dollhead bust torn from a ‘zine, a rectangle of canvas board.
A story of caprice and shadow begins

-- Mistryel Walker

Monday, April 6, 2009

April 6 poem- Question for the departed

prompt - a poem for something missing

Question for the departed

Into the endless void
we stare and blink.
See nothing always,
but always think
where are you?
Are you?

- Mistryel Walker

Sunday, April 5, 2009

April 5 Poem - Washington Monument

April 5 poem on a landmark

Washington Monument

Tall needle of democracy, impales all cloud
the industrialist bedlam ensues, thunder complains aloud
The ozone thins, the sun rays pelt, in all this heat
Greenland and the polar ice caps melt.

P.S. I hate this one.