This year I will be opening at the Last Hurrah at the City Steam Brewry hosted by Kathryn Kelly. Starting around 6PM I will be playing a few tunes. At 6:30 the poetry begins. I will read for around 20 minutes followed the fabulous poet John Surowiecki - That's on Sunday, June 27, 942 Main Street in Hartford. A "MEGA" open mic is planned as well.
"Twice before I was asked, but this will be my first appearance there."
// UPDATE AND ASIDE: Actually this is apparently NOT TRUE. My previous invites were for the CONNECITCUT BEAT FESTIVAL. THIS last one WAS FOR THE RIVERWOOD. I had thought they were the same but apparently they are not at all, though for a while they seemed to converge..... ///In 2009, Yvon Cormier asked if I'd read at the Outlaw Poets venue - (How cool is that!) but that March Anne Marie Marra died. The date of the reading was the same as a memorial gathering for Anne Marie. This gathering given by her brother Reggie, was held on her birthday in June. It was a terrible loss for us all as we'd also lost poet Terry McLain the previous November.And I had lost Rob the year before. I was really numb and I needed to be there at the gathering fully present, not thinking about reading or having to rush off to perform.
In 2008 Tom Nicotera asked me to read at the venue he was running for the festival. I accepted and two days before my scheduled date, my 34 year old boss, friend and music director/mentor suddenly died. We were all in shock. He wasn't' ill. To boot, for his funeral, I had to learn the mezzo soloist part to a quartet from the Mozart Requiem and I only had three days to do it. (I am not a quick study really at this sort of thing.) Depressed and stressed out, I asked Anne Marie Marra to read in my place. She was a big hit, as she always was and she had a great time.
So this year, Kathryn Kelly kindly asked me if I would read some poems and also add a little music to the festival's Last Hurrah event. SOOOO if I live that long - and though the creek may rise, and winds blow --- I WILL BE THERE on June 27th to read some poems and play a few tunes at the Festival's last Hurrah at the City Steam Brewery! WooHoo!
The details of the Last Hurrah: