Throwing money at the carmakers will not work. PERIOD. Do the math - it's simple math:
Americans have stopped buying new cars not because of a lack of credit - but because of actual or impending unemployment.....
===================================================Kiss me with all your approaching difference,as you yourself keep arriving to me,potent like the stone you’re not,approximately edged like my rectanglebut with a roughed-up surface andsome necessity I have never met before..Can you see me? A subtler presence, maybe,in this fluid familiar world, clearbut with reflections of sunlit leaves, lawns, and hedges,street traffic and birds above.You come closer, as certain as my stance,with no reason for doubt.But I think I still do.
Never apologizenever say “sorry--this is a little poem”when you mean this poem—“my poemthat I will now read”--something madesomewhere else, when it (the poem) is unawareyou would be reading it here, tonight. as if itmerely survives on paperby the grace of me,godlike, its deity and creatorjudging it’s worthiness.“sorry” implicates the audiencein this heresy, revealsyour willingness to ignorethe significance of your wordsplucked by you from the universe of words—you encourage us to ignore the hundred errandsyou neglected to make this poem,and that here, tonight, some word or wordsyou are about to read could changesomeone who listens, whowill go home tonight with a new purpose,living two generations awayfrom the inventor of healthy ice creamor the orgasm bomb that will make armiesquaint and unnecessary.when, later, historians consider howthis miracle happened, do you wantto be remembered as the one whodidn't understand the latencies in your poem?to be forever derided for falling into that old trapof saying sorry there will be no "peace in our time",the "mission remains unaccomplished".the germ might be hidden in a complaint about a boyfriend,or the last time you kissed your mother,or how teenage acne could be suffered easilyby retirees in group homes;it might be an ode to a basketball, whensome words are united for the first timeand then get added to other lines of sublime wordsuntil ignition so the genetic code of someone in this audiencemoves north or west by a micron,saying “yes” now to the futuresaying “hold on for just a little longer”and you want to apologize?